New England's Premier Piano Service Company
We'll baby your baby like it's ours!
We'll baby your baby like it's ours!
Who is this service for?We care for all pianos equally. Your piano should be ready to play whenever you sit down, whether it is for a couple of hours every day, once a month or a few times a year.
First, we evaluate the overall condition of the piano. We measure the pitch of the piano. We make sure everything is working properly and make note of issues we find. Keys, outside of the case and parts of the interior are cleaned. Then we tune. With the wide swings of humidity conditions in our region, the pitch of most pianos varies greatly. Winter dryness pulls the piano below the standard A4=440 Hz. Summertime and its high humidity can pull the pitch above the standard. For most pianists notice an out of tune piano when unisons are off and chords sound a little ripe or funky. During the 2-hour appointment, we’ll ensure the best tuning possible for your piano. If it’s been a while since your last tuning (over a year), expect a double tuning session – a major pitch correction (when A4 is +- 15 cents outside the norm) and a fine tuning. Minor repairs and adjustments to regulation or voicing will be done, if there is time. Additional repairs, replacement of broken strings, more extensive regulation/voicing will be billed at the hourly rate. All additional work is done only with your approval before hand. Our goal is for you enjoy your piano, each and every time you sit down to play. |
What's included?
Save $15 when you Pre-Pay! Pre-Pay Here There may be a $25 upcharge for spinets and other pianos in poor working condition, extremely dirty or may present the possibility of additional damage just from attempting regular service. The Piano Practice is not liable for the breakage of any parts or strings during the execution of their regular service. |
John Totter is a very accomplished musician in his own right. I believe that is a really important attribute when one cares a great deal about their instrument and the care it gets. Additionally, he learned the craft of piano tuning and restoration at a prestigious school which itself has the highest reputation in this field. I would not hesitate to recommend John Totter and The Piano Practice to anyone who values their piano and its upkeep.
Charlie O.
Not Sure What Your Piano Needs? |
The Piano Practice • John Totter • 401-419-6509
[email protected] • Servicing pianos throughout the Boston and Providence/Rhode Island metro areas |